Sunday 10 September 2023

Madras Day Celebration 2023


Dakshinachitra Heritage Museum 

Sunday, 27th August 202023

This year marked the 384th foundation day celebration of Madras and for the 11th year in a row we had lined up some interesting events that included Book Release, Heritage Ride and Vintage Bicycles Exhibition 

Book Release - Madras By Cycle - Water Heritage 

Eighth in the series of books to be published was Madras by Cycle - Water Heritage, while the Cover Page was launched by Thiru. Sandeep Nanduri  IAS, Director of Tourism & Managing Director TTDC. The book in its final form was launched during the Madras Day Celebration at Dakshinachitra Heritage Museum.

Madras Day Heritage Ride 

Probikers OMR to Dakshinachitra Heritage Museum, Muttukadu 

First ever inclusive ride in Chennai on ECR, took place consisting of participants from Deaf Artist Creative, the ride from Probikers OMR to Dakshinachitra Heritage Museum not to mention the intervention of rain was held early in the morning on the exclusive ECR Bicycle Lane on weekends. It also included riders from other cycling groups in Chennai.

Vintage Bicycle Exhibition 

The 4th edition of Vintage Bicycles Exhibition was also organised on this occasion. Bicycles, and accessories of various vintage Bicycle brands were on display during the exhibition. 

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